On my way home from the métro today, I also noticed a shop that I hadn't this morning. Its called Le Poilu and looked to be selling old army uniforms. A poilu was a soldier from World War One that fought in the trenches. "Poilu" in French means hairy- meaning that many of them wore beards, I'm guessing for convenience sake, during the fighting. When the last French poilu died a few years ago he was given a very large, ceremonious burial by the state.
Continuing with the explanations of my new surroundings- rue (street) Emile Duclaux. Emile was a French scientist who worked with Louis Pasteur (which may explain why I also live near boulevard Pasteur!).
Anyways, at the end of my day I explored the Champs- Elysées, so I'll leave you with a picture or two.
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