After braving the post office (the lines are just as bad as at home) to mail a job application to the States yesterday, I decided I needed an adventure. I started out by going to the Maison de l'Amérique Latine (House of Latin America) where they had an exposition on this writer André Pieyre de Mandiargues who went to Mexico and bummed about with the Mexican literary elite. Then I wandered over to Invalides (see photo), which was built as a hospital for the army and now, among other things, houses Napoleon's tomb. However, since I didn't want to pay 6 dollars and had already seen it in high school, I didn't go in. (All the art history cards I have that let me into museums for free are making me very spoiled- I never want to pay to get into places). However, his tomb is pretty legit. There are like seven layers to it, all made of different materials like wood and stone. Its also below ground level, and when you enter the building theres an opening so that you can see it (while having to bow your head to him, aha). That same neighborhood also houses a bunch of government buildings, like the ministry of defense and the ministry of education and all that fun stuff. Then I saw the Eiffel Tower and knew it wasn't extremely far away, so I walked towards it (tall things, like the tower and church spires, are very useful- you just walk towards them and evertually you get there and get to see something interesting). After about 20 minutes I got there, took some pictures and decided I was tired.
Today after class I was planning on wandering again, this time to a canal that is supposed to be really pretty, but I decided that I was still tired. So me and my Molière biography headed to my favorite cafe by the Place de la Bastille (where the coffee is only 1.20 and a small hot chocolate 2.00- the cheapest by FAR that I have seen in this city) and recuperated with some chocolate. Yum.
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